Tuesday, December 3, 2019

6 Inflammation-Fighting Foods

Inflammation is a normal part of the body’s immune response, but too much of it, and for too long, can lead to pain and disease. The good news is that there are certain foods that may help fight this immune response when it spins out of control. Here are six that you can easily add to your diet:

1. Sweet Cherries: Beginning in early June and stretching into the early days of August you’ll find one of nature’s best seasonal fruits  — fresh sweet cherries — which also happen to be a powerful inflammation fighter. In fact, a recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that eating sweet Bing cherries can significantly decrease markers of inflammation in the body (like C-reactive protein) and help to prevent chronic inflammatory diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, and certain cancers. And once summer’s over, you can still enjoy the taste and health benefits of this super fruit. Fresh cherries are easy to freeze (simply rinse, pack and freeze) so you can savor them all winter long.

2. Legumes: Lentils, chickpeas, peas and beans are protein- and fiber-rich and research conducted at Penn State University reported that adding 1 ½ cups of legumes per day (to a calorie-controlled, low Glycemic Index diet) helped reduce markers of inflammation and improved insulin resistance. Another bonus? They’re inexpensive. Use versatile legumes in dips, salads, main dishes or soups, like this Lentil Soup.

3. Mango: Mangos are not just nutrient-packed and bursting with color and flavor, research indicates that this tropical fruit may also be a powerful inflammation fighter. One study conducted in 2013 found that compounds in mangos called polyphenols might inhibit the inflammatory response in both cancerous and non-cancerous breast cells. In addition to their potential anti-inflammatory benefits, mangos are a source of over 20 vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, folate, and potassium. For a flavorful boost to your next meal, try this Tropical Mango Salsa.

4. Turmeric: This golden-hued spice has long been a staple of Indian cuisine and also has been used in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. Modern-day science is revealing that a compound found in turmeric called curcumin may be the source of its medicinal effects as well as a potent anti-inflammatory agent. Due to its potential inflammation-fighting benefits, scientists are now exploring its use in diseases ranging from rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis to neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. Add tumeric to your next curry or use on chicken or fish before grilling.

5. Ginger: Ginger has been used to help nausea and pain for centuries. Now modern research is uncovering its potential to temper inflammation. One study compared the effects of ginger extract to placebo in patients with osteoarthritis. The ginger helped reduce pain and stiffness in joints by 40 percent over the placebo. Ongoing research is also investigating the role of ginger to help reduce neuronal inflammation and related declines in memory and cognition. Enjoy ginger in this light and healthy Ginger Shrimp and Broccoli dish.

6. Leafy greens: Diets rich in leafy greens are associated with lower rates of certain cancers, heart disease, and other inflammation-related diseases because leafy greens provide anti-inflammatory benefits. Kale, spinach, watercress, collard greens and broccoli are also some of the most nutrient-rich foods you can eat. Aim for at least 2-3 cups of greens each day and add them to omelets, smoothies, stirfrys, and salads. For a perfect sweet and savory side, try this Kale and Orange Salad.

Small changes can lead to big results. What healthy step can you take today?

Friday, February 9, 2018

Ear infections in Babies - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Eardoc is a non-invasive device for middle ear infection (Otitis media) treatment and other conditions involving ear pain in children and adults. The Eardoc is a natural way to treat the problems in the ear and not just symptoms such as pain and inflammation. Using the Eardoc is easy, safe and children friendly. The Pain disappears in no time, and the infection is healed without going to the doctor.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

No More Ear Pain- Use Some Simple Home Remedies

Earache is not only painful, but also highly irritating, and many people feel helpless, while they experience pain in ear. Sometimes, infants also have ear pain, and this is a concern to the parents. Generally, earache may be caused by an ear infection, which can be in the adjacent area of the ear. However, sometimes, pain starts due to the accumulation of mucus in the mid portion of your ear. In addition to it, extremely loud noise may also impact the ear, a whistling sound in your ear. No matter what reason is there behind your ear pain, you perhaps like to get immediate relief from it. That is why home remedies for ear pain can give you relaxation.

how to treat a ear infection

Garlic- Easy to use earache remedy

This vegetable is found almost in all households, and is much more effective to ease earaches. Add some garlic to olive oil, and warm it slightly. Apply it in your ear, like drops. You may also infuse mullein blossoms to your blend. Rub the oil in the surrounding ear or on the neck side.

Garlic has potent aromatic substances, which work as antiseptic compound. If you have earache due to infection, this garlic solution acts better than any medication. All the compounds of garlic are absorbed by the tissues to fight against infection.
There is another method to utilize garlic for earache. Slice one piece of garlic, and fit it perfectly to your external ear. But, never insert the piece of garlic to your ear channel. Only external ear is the best place for using the garlic. This raw spice can lead to some uncomfortable feeling. However, in this case, use olive on the part, which touches your ear. Though it seems to give an odd look to you, it can be a highly effective option.

Onions- As the earache solution

Onion also acts as one of the known home remedies for earache. You can use it by baking or steaming until this plant root becomes soft. Try to take out the juices from internal parts of onions. With the help of a dropper, you may add warm sap to your ear. You will feel comfort within a few minutes.
Another way to use onion is by cutting and placing it on the outer ear. Hold the piece for about twenty minutes. It is quite successful in alleviating the ache. Make sure that your onion is not so warm to burn your skin. Besides, you may also dilute your onion juice to prevent burning.

Olive oil and cinnamon

Add few cinnamons to your olive oil, and then, heat it. Let this blend to get cooled and then utilize it as drops.

These are some home remedies, which are used to cure ear pain. But, if you like to depend on some technological device, then Eardoc is the perfect solution. This is a simple, innovative device, which may be used at home or at any place, whenever you feel pain in ear. So, you can try this machine for treating earache. For more detail click here

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Girl Using the Eardoc For Treating Ear Infections

A girl using the eardoc for treating ear infections About 75% of children up to age four suffer from earache caused by the accumulation of liquids and air in the middle ear. Swimmers, divers and air travelers also suffer from the same problem.

Woman Using the Eardoc for Treating Ear Infections

A woman using the eardoc does the eardoc work? About 75% of children up to age four suffer from earache caused by the accumulation of liquids and air in the middle ear. Swimmers, divers and air travelers also suffer from the same problem. The EARDOC is an efficient & proved non-invasive device that reduces the ear pain by treating the problem rather than the symptom.

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